Welcome to my Residual Income Site

You are not far away from the most important decision you will ever make!

Please read this entire page carefully do not miss any of it.

My name is Colin Warburton, and I work full time from home in the UK.

What I want to share with you will help you decide what the best way is to make a Residual Income in the UK.

The information below will give you a strong overview of how I believe the mistakes I, and possibly yourself, have made, can be avoided.

I am lucky in that I work full-time from my home. I have no boss to report to, and I have the freedom to use my time in any way I like. But you can obtain a residual income even if you aren't in the same position.

Do you believe in the following statement by Zig Ziglar: "You can have anything in the world you want if you'll just help enough other people get what they want."

Unfortunately, if you are looking to make a residual income, most of what we are taught does not do that.

Bearing in mind that over 95% of people in MLM will fail, is that the way you should be proceeding if you want to make a residual income? No matter what people tell you, it just isn't that easy.

There is another way to Achieve your Residual Income and it doesn't have to involve the internet. What you need is something that has been done before and based on a solid business.

And you need to be guided by people that are doing well, not someone who started 2 days before you! (sound familiar?)

You need proper training ... by people who are good... you should never be left guessing what to do next.

If you are really serious about being in that top 5% that actually make a good residual income then fill in the form below for more information. Or if you don't want to give your information yet, go here. (you will need sound)

Good Luck

Colin Warburton

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. --Winston Churchill

Friday, 23 May 2008

So what is a residual income

Are you really happy working 50-100 hours a week knowing that you could be laid off anytime!

A friend of mine emailed me today to say that she has just been made redundant after working long hours each week in a job that she found very boring. She has always said that I should get a proper job so that I would be certain of receiving a wage each month. It seems that she has found out the hard way that there are no guarantees anymore!

She now sees that what I have been doing is building up an income that will continue no matter what happens to me. Yes, I did work long hours trying to fit it in with my employment at the time. Yes, most of the time I went down dead alleys and wasted money I could not afford. But, yes, I did enjoy it and eventually it paid off because I found out the correct route to follow.

So, what is residual income? It is income that does not require you to do anything, that’s right, nothing. All those adverts you see of people lazing on the beach looking silly might be true, and wouldn’t you like to be one of them?

But there is a catch, where the adverts do tell fibs is that you DO have to do something initially, and a fair bit of it. It is not hard if you receive good advice and training but you have to do something – sorry to disillusion you!

The good part it that with residual income there is no limit to what you can earn, unlike a job where you only have so many hours in the day.

What types of residual income are there?

· Well I am a mortgage broker, not for much longer as the market is somewhat volatile, but I first learnt about residual income selling building and Life assurance. As long as the client keeps renewing, I keep getting paid. Great.

· Rental Property

· Royalties on Music, books

· Network Marketing or MLM

· Photographer who sells reprints

· A business owner who can pass the day to day work to a manager

· Interest on Capital

· Film royalties (Could just be a “How to” video)

If you want to earn more, work less, and have a decent retirement, you are going to have to think about creating one of these residual income streams sooner of later. The sooner you start the sooner you will achieve the personal and financial freedom you require.

As you can see from the above and the list is not exhaustive, there are many different ways to generate residual income. It may be come from the same customers, or new customers. It may require no personal involvement whatsoever, such as an e-book sold on a web site, or it may require some personal contact, such as an insurance agent calling their client to remind them about their renewal.

The best way to achieve residual income is to Leverage it. I.e. get someone else to do it for you.

Here are some examples:

  • Selling your e-book through affiliates who promote the product.
  • Selling your software through affiliates who promote the product.
  • A Multi Level marketer who builds a downline and receives commissions on the sales made by people in his downline
  • A builder who makes a profit margin on the work done by sub-contractors
  • Franchising your business.

Again, there are many more ways than this and can vary with different businesses. The key is that you must make money off of other people's labor, rather than your own.

Unfortunately, most methods require capital, a product, a business or experience, but not all. Network marketing has got a bad name over the years but it still produces more millionaires from ordinary people like you and me than any other method. It can and does work, and amazingly cheaply but only if it is done correctly, and with the right company.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

The 10 Rules you must obey when Choosing Your Domain Name

Although domain names are fairly cheap, it's worth spending a bit of time getting the right one, it can make a vast difference to your marketing efforts.

1. If you want your site to be ranked high by the search engines then it makes sense to have your main keyword (Phrase) is in your domain name. This is one of the things search engines see as relevant.

2. .com is always the best extension to have, if people can't remember what is was that is the one they will try. If you are not in the U.S. still get the .com one. Buy the others as well if they are available and redirect them to the .com

3. Try not to use difficult to spell words, if it can be spelt wrong, it will be. Also simple words are easier to remember. If you must have a difficult to spell word, it may be an idea to buy a misspelt version as well and redirect it.

4. Your company name is not the best domain name unless it is related to your keyword. If you are a plumber this is fine, but on the internet a generic name is much better, you can be much more flexible as you may deal with various other companies.

5. If you can afford it then you should also buy plural versions and hyphenated versions of your site. If you get successful you can be sure that someone else will and try to divert some of your prospects.

6. Try to avoid numbers in your domain name. If for some reason you must then buy two versions. If it is "2" then buy "2" and "two" etc.

7. The chances are you will not be able to get the name you want. Someone is bound to have got there before you. You will have to be creative. Try adding "my" or "your" or "secret" at the begining. And "site" or "home" or "place" at the end. I'm sure you can come up with more ideas.

8. Funnily enough, sometimes people find a persons name safer than a company name as it appears more personal. Try www.YourLastName.com or both names, or variations.

9. Don't rush, take your time. This is an important decision. The name may be cheap but the marketing isn't. This is your company and it is going to be with you for a long time.

10. Lastly, buy your name from a reputable company. you want to be sure that it will be yours. Also put it on auto-renew, you don't want to lose it because you forgot.

Good luck.

For more free training go to:


Sunday, 4 May 2008

The Four Reasons Why people Won't Buy From You

Only four you are probably thinking, yes, only four, and here they are.

  1. They don't know you or trust you.
  2. They don't want what you are selling.
  3. They don't want what you are selling more then what they would have to give up to get it.
  4. They don't believe in you.
Yes that's it, only four, and do you know the worst thing, number 4 is the main reason - THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN YOU!

And why on earth should they, you are probably offering what every other Tom, Dick and Harry is offering. "Join me and you will be rich without doing anything" Oh yeah, and while you have your credit card out I have some shares in the Nigerian bank you can have cheap.

What if you were to offer free or low cost training instead, so that they can make money on the company they are already in. (and probably not making any money). Do you think they would be interested, of course they would. And then, when they got to trust you, do you think they would be more likely to listen to you about the MLM you are promoting. You bet they would. You see, the way everyone goes about recruiting is the wrong way round, and DOESN'T WORK.

All the best.


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