Welcome to my Residual Income Site

You are not far away from the most important decision you will ever make!

Please read this entire page carefully do not miss any of it.

My name is Colin Warburton, and I work full time from home in the UK.

What I want to share with you will help you decide what the best way is to make a Residual Income in the UK.

The information below will give you a strong overview of how I believe the mistakes I, and possibly yourself, have made, can be avoided.

I am lucky in that I work full-time from my home. I have no boss to report to, and I have the freedom to use my time in any way I like. But you can obtain a residual income even if you aren't in the same position.

Do you believe in the following statement by Zig Ziglar: "You can have anything in the world you want if you'll just help enough other people get what they want."

Unfortunately, if you are looking to make a residual income, most of what we are taught does not do that.

Bearing in mind that over 95% of people in MLM will fail, is that the way you should be proceeding if you want to make a residual income? No matter what people tell you, it just isn't that easy.

There is another way to Achieve your Residual Income and it doesn't have to involve the internet. What you need is something that has been done before and based on a solid business.

And you need to be guided by people that are doing well, not someone who started 2 days before you! (sound familiar?)

You need proper training ... by people who are good... you should never be left guessing what to do next.

If you are really serious about being in that top 5% that actually make a good residual income then fill in the form below for more information. Or if you don't want to give your information yet, go here. (you will need sound)

Good Luck

Colin Warburton

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. --Winston Churchill

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

MLM Blog Makeover

Posted on 22 August 2011.

I launched the MLM Blog in October of 2003 and over the years, the site has undergone a number of redesigns, including a pick up and move from Typepad to WordPress.

Check out what my blog looked like back in 2003:

I had no idea what I was doing but that ugly blog laid the groundwork for the success that I have today.

Over the last couple of months, I have wanted to make some subtle changes to my design, not huge stuff but a few things to spruce it up a bit.

So I got in touch with Rick Robbins, the Lead Developer over at WordPress Makeover after seeing the work he did on David Wood's blog.

We talked about a few changes and Rick got right to work.  One thing I wanted to do was add a little bit more of my personal brand to the site without overwhelming it with "Ty Tribble" everywhere and I think Rick did a great job there.

The other thing Rick did was give my sidebar opt-in a much needed makeover.

If your blog needs a makeover (and 99% of the ones I see do!), hurry on over to WordPress Makeover and have Rick work his magic for you.

FYI: I am not an affiliate of WordPress Makeover and I do not get paid for sending people to the web site.

View the original article here


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